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I've been thinking about this for a long long time. What sets apart the difference between a millionaire mindset and middle income mindset? I can't help but notice this one of the most important factor that differentiates a person's sucess - no excuse mindset. I remembered this example by one of my favourite motivation speakers Adam Khoo. He often talks about these 3 kinds of mindsets. The first type of person goes like this. . . When you ask them to start a business or write a book, they will say that they are too tired, don't have the knowledge, or don't know where to start. In fact, they will give you all kinds of excuses in the world but they will never attempt to do anything towards it. The second type of person is someone likes this. . . When you asked why isn't he or she successful? They will say things like "I wasn't born in a rich family", "My family isn't rich enough to give me enough capital to start my own business", "the economy is in bad shape", "things are too expensive to build a business". These people blame everything else in the world except themselves. Whenever things don't go according to what they want sitemap.xml, they blamed it on soneone or something else. Now, what do you think is the third kind of person? When they set a goal, they would often fight for it. When there is a big problem or obstacle, they will say I'll take responsible and tackle the problems head on. You see, this kind of person take responsible for their own results and destiny. They don't allow themselves to be victim of any situation or problems. [sitemap.xml] Sitemap.xml and when you are not a victim of the problems or obstacles, you are in control. And when you are in control, becoming a millionaire sitemap.xml is no longer a matter of your circumstances but a matter of strategies and the steps you take. So ask yourself the following question- what kind of mindset do you have?